New in 1.5

Cones de Luz
Conjunto de Relíquias
Criaturas inimigas


ConceitosRaridadeCaminhoTipos de CombateATQDEFPVMateriais de Ascensão
Token do Submundo
Coração de Giro de Artífices
Sinfonia Stellaris
Arrependimento do Ochema Infinito
Rastros de Destino
Detritos Ascendentes
Luminivinha Imortal
Flor da Eternidade
Arrependimento do Ochema Infinito
Rastros de Destino
Token do Submundo
Núcleo Contorcido
Chave da Sabedoria
Arrependimento do Ochema Infinito
Rastros de Destino
Per Page

Cones de Luz

ConceitosRaridadeCaminhoATQDEFPVPeríciaMateriais de Ascensão
Noite Aterrorizante
Noite Aterrorizante5
abundance-class476.28529.21164.24Aumenta a Taxa de Regeneração de Energia do usuário em 12%. Quando qualquer aliado usa a Perícia Suprema, o usuário restaura os PV do aliado que estiver com a menor porcentagem de PV atualmente em 10% dos PV máximos do aliado curado. Quando o usuário concede cura a um aliado, aumenta o ATQ do aliado curado em 2.4%. Esse efeito pode acumular até 5 vezes e dura 2 rodada(s).
Flor da Eternidade
Luminivinha Imortal
Um Instante Eternamente Adorado
Um Instante Eternamente Adorado5
erudition-class582.12463.051058.4Aumenta o Dano CRIT do usuário em 36%. Quando o usuário utiliza sua Perícia Suprema, aumenta o Dano da Perícia Suprema do usuário com base na sua Energia máxima. Cada ponto de Energia aumenta o Dano da Perícia Suprema em 0.36%, até 180 de Energia.
Chave da Sabedoria
Núcleo Contorcido
Ei, Estou Aqui
Ei, Estou Aqui4
abundance-class423.36396.9952.56Aumenta os PV máximos do usuário em 8%. Quando o usuário usa sua Perícia, aumenta a Cura Realizada em 16%, durando por 2 rodada(s).
Flor da Eternidade
Coração de Giro de Artífices
Per Page

Conjunto de Relíquias

ConceitosEfeito do Conjunto
Grão-Duque em Brasas
Grão-Duque em Brasas2 Peças: Aumenta o Dano causado pelos Ataques Extras em 20%.
4 Peças: Quando o usuário usa Ataques Extras, aumenta o ATQ do usuário em 6% a cada vez que o Ataque Extra causa Dano. Este efeito pode ser acumulado até o máximo de 8 vez(es) e dura por 3 rodada(s). Este efeito é removido da próxima vez que o usuário utilizar um Ataque Extra.
Prisioneiro em Confinamento Profundo
Prisioneiro em Confinamento Profundo2 Peças: Aumenta em 12% o ATQ.
4 Peças: Para cada Dano Contínuo aplicado ao inimigo-alvo, o usuário ignorará 6% de sua DEF ao causar Dano. Este efeito é válido por um máximo de 3 Danos Contínuos.
Linha de Frente: Firmamento de Glamoth
Linha de Frente: Firmamento de Glamoth2 Peças: Aumenta o ATQ do usuário em 12%. Quando a VEL é igual ou maior a 135/160, o usuário causa 12%/18% a mais de Dano.
Penacony, Terra dos Sonhos
Penacony, Terra dos Sonhos2 Peças: Aumenta a Taxa de Regeneração de Energia do usuário em 5%. Aumenta em 10% o Dano para todos os outros aliados com o mesmo Tipo de Dano que o usuário.
Per Page


Grão-Duque em Brasas
Grão-Duque em Brasas2
Grão-Duque em Brasas
Grão-Duque em Brasas3
Grão-Duque em Brasas
Grão-Duque em Brasas4
Grão-Duque em Brasas
Grão-Duque em Brasas5
Prisioneiro em Confinamento Profundo
Prisioneiro em Confinamento Profundo2
Prisioneiro em Confinamento Profundo
Prisioneiro em Confinamento Profundo3
Prisioneiro em Confinamento Profundo
Prisioneiro em Confinamento Profundo4
Prisioneiro em Confinamento Profundo
Prisioneiro em Confinamento Profundo5
Linha de Frente: Firmamento de Glamoth
Linha de Frente: Firmamento de Glamoth2
Linha de Frente: Firmamento de Glamoth
Linha de Frente: Firmamento de Glamoth3
Per Page


ConceitosSérie de ConquistasExibirDescriçãoRecompensa
顺凯风,见天地As Memórias que CompartilhamosConclua a missão "De Volta aos Negócios - Epilogo", e testemunhe a partida de Mingxi
Jade Estelar5
Coach Quântico da Beleza
Coach Quântico da BelezaUniverso LacônicoReceba a ajuda de um Cavaleiro da Beleza com Argenti em sua equipe ativa no Universo Simulado
Jade Estelar5
Me Chame No Seu Coração
Me Chame No Seu CoraçãoMomento de AlegriaAtivou 10 falas únicas ao adicionar personagens a uma equipe com Desbravador(dora)
Jade Estelar5
Os Guardiões da Meta-Galáxia
Os Guardiões da Meta-GaláxiaMomento de AlegriaVença 1 batalha com uma equipe com Argenti e Desbravador(dora)
Jade Estelar5
Noiva em Fuga
Noiva em FugaMomento de AlegriaRecuou da batalha quando todos os outros membros da equipe, exceto por uma Huohuo aliada, foram derrubados
Jade Estelar5
Quem Você Vai Chamar?
Quem Você Vai Chamar?Momento de AlegriaVença 1 batalha(s) com uma equipe com Huohuo, Sushang, Guinaifen e Desbravador(dora)
Jade Estelar5
Dorme Neném, Que a Cuca Vem Pegar
Dorme Neném, Que a Cuca Vem PegarMomento de AlegriaEntre em uma batalha após usar o Martelo Hipnótico e fazer com que qualquer personagem fique afligido com Reverberação Forte
Jade Estelar5
Missão Impossível?
Missão Impossível?Momento de AlegriaDerrote Phantylia com o ATQ Básico de Huohuo "Estandarte: Invoca-Tempestades"
Jade Estelar5
Rabin Fofin, Rabin Assim
Rabin Fofin, Rabin AssimA Ferrovia Para as EstrelasColete histórias de fantasmas com o Esquadrão Caça-Fantasmas
※ Recupere o Rabin e subjugue os Heliobi que escaparam para o Luofu...
Jade Estelar10
Os Perigos do Meu Coração
Os Perigos do Meu CoraçãoA Ferrovia Para as EstrelasExplore os eventos sobrenaturais no Jardim Flamavulpe com Guinaifen
※ Subjugue o grande Heliobus Cirrus e resolva a crise Heliobi no Jardim Flamavulpe.
Jade Estelar10
Per Page

Criaturas inimigas

Guarda Espectral
Guarda EspectralCriaturas inimigas
Vórtice de Vento
Guarda Marafílica
Guarda MarafílicaCriaturas inimigas
Scionette Imortal
Pena de Chama
Floresciaéreo Imortal
Luminivinha Imortal
Representante Aurumaton Espectral
Representante Aurumaton EspectralInimigo(s) de Elite
Módulo de Artífice
Âmbar-gris da Abundância
Folha Interdimensional
Engrenagem de Artífices
Coração de Giro de Artífices
ArgentiInimigo(s) Chefe(s)
"O Honrado"Minion
"Ponta de Lança"Minion
"O Escudo"Minion
CirrusInimigo(s) Chefe(s)
Per Page

62 responses to “New in 1.5”

  1. I know this is stuff coming in 1.6 and we don’t know much, but should I actually try and level Herta for the new Pure fiction mode, (I’d also love to level HImiko if the game gave me one, the only stander 5* the game hasn’t given me including LCs), or should trying to hyper out Kafka ults work well enough, considering my 3 teams right now are Topaz / Clara, Kakfa DoT, and Mono Quantum QQ. all of which are primarily blast damage and not AoE

  2. In the EN special program at 26:50 Owlbert calls the follow-up relics “Grand Duke Incinerated to Ashes” which is its outdated name
    This is not at all important I just find it interesting

    • I did noticed that, actually. Pretty funny but it also makes me wonder which version of the beta does the livestream use, in the 1.3 livestream it almost sounded like they werent too sure what Kafka’s talent actually did, they just said “kafka makes a follow up attack” I wonder now if thats because they changed Kafka’s kit so much that hoyo wasnt sure what version of Kafka was going to be in the game, the dot booster or the the one that inflicts the ults dot on the talent

  3. == This is just guesswork (an analysis?) regarding the FUA set. Up to you to let me cook, just don’t forget the grain of salt. The previous iterations were kinda bonkers (as high as 80% FUA Dmg at one point), and this current version is more in line with other sets imo. ==

    Anyway I want to focus on the 4pc effect:
    – Every time the wearer’s FUA deals [an instance of] damage, stacks are gained.
    – Buff lasts for 3 turns.
    – Stacks are reset first before a FUA is used.

    Here’s some key assumptions I’m making regarding its mechanics:
    – AoE FUAs hitting extra targets also counts toward stacking it up.
    – Stacks are gained *after* each hit deals its damage. This is a crucial detail for low hit count FUAs (mainly Clara).

    Now with those in mind (please keep them in mind), let’s see how that might work out for some of our characters. I tried to avg out the Atk% gained from the buff for the sake of the FUAs, but regular abilities will benefit differently. I also won’t dabble into the actual damage dealt.

    — Topaz: Shizko mentioned in the comments here that she does 8 hits on her Skill/Numby. I’d argue her BA has literally no effect on the effectiveness of the set because all her attacks are FUA anyway. The stacks will always reset before each of her attacks.
    Anyway, 8 hits means the Atk Buff is worth 21% Atk on average (0+6+12+… = 168% Atk, then divided by 8 hits = 21%). 20% FUA Dmg + 21% Atk (on avg) should be better than Fire+Atk, and more consistent than 4pc Fire. FUA+Fire could be interesting though. Someone else can do the math.

    — Clara: I feel the changes to the set were anti-Clara. Her FUAs only do 1 hit, so the main hit doesn’t even benefit from the Atk buff. When Ult is active and if there are adjacents, then technically 2 to 3. Since the main target seems to get hit first, only the adjacent hits will benefit from a measly 6% Atk, and the lingering 12-18% Atk afterwards (which only goes toward your BA or Skill) isn’t really very compelling.
    If you’re E0, FUA+Phys sounds better than 4pc FUA. I don’t know the dmg distribution with E1, so just keep 4pc Phys in consideration. Someone else can do the math.

    – Jing Yuan: Against solo targets, 7 LL is 18%, 10 LL is 26.4% Atk on avg. The average goes up against 2+ targets, only taking him 3-5 LL hits to max the buff. Working with the assumption that the main and adjacent hits per LL stack comes out at the same time (unlike Clara), then at best, you’re looking at 39% Atk on avg (0+18+36+(48*7) = 390% / 10 hits = 39%).
    Unlike the earlier two who are FUA-focused, the lingering Atk buff matters for JY. Looking at 4pc Lightning (10% Dmg + 25% Atk), 4pc FUA should be a slight improvement for LL (20% Dmg + variable Atk%), but might only be marginal for JY’s own abilities (up to 48% Atk). Someone else can do the math.

    – Himeko: Her FUA does 4 hits, so only 4 stacks gained against solo targets, but she’ll always max out against 2+. As for what the Atk% avg is for her FUA, we’re looking at 9%, 18%, 25.5%, 30%, 31.5% Atk against 1-5 targets respectively. Her FUAs might be somewhat intermittent, so idk how consistently you can break the boss every 3 turns. This set should be an improvement as long as you’re not fighting a solo target. Someone else can do the math.

    – Herta: Since each twirl only does 1 hit, she has 2 reqs: Multiple targets to hit, and multiple twirls per FUA. The first twirl wouldn’t benefit from the Atk% buff after all, so if you only do 1 twirl at a time then that’s that. Staggered twirls will only help maintain the Atk% buff, but you’ll never max it out. That’s setting aside the concern of bosses that don’t spawn adds, or don’t spawn them frequently. Math can do someone else.

    – March (only gains 1 stack), Yanqing (not FUA-focused), Qingque E4 (what), Blade (why), Bronya E4 (how)

    • Speaking of Yanqing’s follow up attack, why doesn’t Sushang’s sword stance also count as a follow up attack, it feels like a missed opportunity, it’s just an extra tick of damage (or 3 with ult buff), wouldn’t be good with the new relic set, but it’s there (also Topaz’s LC buff), it even has conditions to make it trigger more like other follow up attacks unlike Yanqing’s (it’s normally at 33% chance to happen, but garunteed on a condition, every other follow up attack has a condition to make it proc, except Yanqing who’s FUA is more random then QQ E4 /s, FIxed 65%) like it gains nothing from not being FUA, and loses out now that they are trying to add in FUA support.

      • ~~Yes please, we need Sushang buffs. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Hoyo give 5* Li Sushang~~
        Agreed. But If I had to rationalize, it’s because they didn’t want the bonus hits to generate extra MP, deal extra Toughness DMG, and also because of the disconnect in visuals if it were its own action. Yanqing’s kinda makes sense because they’re remote-operated swords.
        But anyway, just gotta chalk it up to being an early character. Heck, outside of E1, there’s no excusing how garbo her Eidolons are. Why is it that they gave a Hunt character Dmg Reduc — which would’ve been fine as her A2 Trace, not an Eidolon, and Break Eff — which isn’t used anywhere in her kit, nor does she interact with Bleed unlike Luka.

    • There has been calculations that show the new full 4p FUA set is aproximately 4% better than 2p musk + 2p duke, and aproximately 5% better than 2p fire + 2p duke for Topaz. This is with a fire dmg orb.

      • It will, and it will benefit every DoT character more than their current BiS option. Def ignore is really strong

      • I’m just going off my own computations for Kafka, computing only DoT Dmg.
        – Without external factors, DoT set is ~1.5% vs Lightning, ~2.4% vs FUA, ~4.1% vs 2+2.
        – With a source of -Def% (Pela Lvl 10 Ult) then the DoT set goes up to ~4.4% vs Lightning, ~5.3% vs FUA, ~7.1% vs 2+2.
        – If the DoT set is only 2 stacks, Lightning set is better by almost ~2%, but it equalizes with Pela.

        *Personally*, I’d prioritize the DoT set on Fire and Wind since their 4pc sets aren’t exactly contributing to DoT damage (my Sampo specifically has no dedicated pieces, my Gui only needs Planars). Still though, due to consistency and ease of use, I’d rather not create problems for myself when there was none beforehand. Not everyone has Kafka’s sig LC to circumvent the issue.

        As for why the FUA set is in consideration, Kafka’s FUA does 6 hits so you’ve got a 36% Atk buff in between. After your first FUA, the set is practically 100% active with no downsides. I’m not saying you should use it, but it’s an alternative in case you might godroll its subs.

        In the end… just go for the better substats.

    • I wonder if LL’s splash dmg counts as 1-2 extra hits, since it deals 66% per hit and 25% of the og dmg to the adjacent enemies. If it works, each of LL’s hit would stack 1-3 of the relic depending on the number of targets and if it hits the enemies at the most right/left. That would make him get the atk % much faster, and it would make LL get much more out the atk% buff.

      • I already mentioned that in my wall of text, assuming hits done by Blast/AoE will also count, then the likes of Jing Yuan and Himeko can stack up much faster.

        The problem with this assumption is the only precedent we have of a similar passive is DHIL’s Talent, which stacks up after each hit dealt. His passive doesn’t count the adjacent Blast hits he does.

      • Whoops, quick correction since I made a mistake (I reported my post but idk if it’ll pop up again)

        So going back, upon testing Topaz does 7 hits normally, and 8 hits with Ult.
        – For 7 hits, the damage is divided evenly.
        – For 8 hits, you take the sum of Ult Dmg + Skill or Talent (whichever triggered the attack). The initial 7 hits deals 10% of the total dmg each, and the final 8th hit deals 30% of the total dmg.

        Regarding how much Atk the set is worth on avg, 18% Atk for the normal 7 hits, and 21%+ for the 8 hits (the stronger final hit tips it higher than 21% technically, but it’s easier to leave it at that).

        So yes, it’s worth it of course. When you put it all together, you’re getting 20% Dmg and 18~21%+ Atk out of this set for Topaz.


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